Thursday, August 8, 2013

Natalie Dessay Letter #1

Dear Natalie Dessay,
I’m not quite sure how to begin this letter. I could start off with what an incredible singer you are, but I’m sure you hear that a lot. J I hope that I am able to express myself and what I want to say in a unique way…but where to begin?
My name is Miya (pronounced Mee-ya if you’re curious) I am eighteen years old and live in Seattle, Washington State, U.S.A. I just graduated high school in June and am planning to study music in college/university studies.
I am confident in saying that you have changed my life. When I was five, my parents reenrolled me in piano lessons, I hated it, but continued to please them. After quite a few years I then discovered I had perfect pitch. I decided to continue piano. I grew up listening to classical music in my home and appreciate it.
So where do you come in?
By the time I reached high school (age 15) I was pretty devoted to music. I enjoyed other subjects such as drama, English literature and history but my favorite moments were in choir and private music studies. Then, my school, when I was 16, decided to hold a Janterm (which is a three week course in which normal classes are cancelled and students take 1-3 unique classes for 3 weeks). I was rather fond of my English teacher at the time, she was a big mentor to me and she decided to teach a course on opera. I took it and was immediately in love. It was a combination of everything! Language, music, dance, acting, etc! Now you have said in many interviews that it is so important to have the acting in opera…the reason I was so mesmerized into opera was because the first clip she showed us in class….was you. It was your mad scene from your 2007 Lucia  at the Met. Not only was your singing flawless but your acting and interpretation was stunning. I couldn’t stop thinking about it! so I went home that night and googled your name.
I must confess, I am a pretty crazy fan. J I’ve watched countless videos of you online, read many articles, bought C.Ds/DVDs, etc. So, back to my earlier sentence. How did you change my life?
After the opera jan-term I decided that’s what I wanted to be…an opera singer!! So I began studying voice privately at age 16, even though I had always sung in choir. Only a few mere months after I began studying, I realized one day that singing was becoming a burden. It was painful and my range was decreasing. I went to an ENT to discover I had developed nodules. (Which aren’t too serious, but at the time, was scary.) I didn’t want to rest or have therapy, because neither seemed to work. Then, I stumbled across your “La Voix” documentary on YouTube, depicting your second vocal surgery. Natalie, you  helped me through that time. Watching you on the operating table, writing on paper, smiling in silence or even crying in the speech therapist’s office inspired me…You encouraged me not to give up and gave me a new perspective on my voice. While I did not need surgery, I was still comforted and encouraged by your film. (I had a friend later translate it for me, but the first few times I didn’t know entirely what was happening…helas…I don’t know French L)
After I viewed that film, I became even more determined to chase my dream. Not only did your sublime, crystal, ethereal voice inspire me, but your character as well. I became twice as focused on my acting after watching interviews of you, and wanted to help revolutionize opera too. Even though I’m still young, I hope I can continue the work you’ve begun. I began to watch your performances on DVD much more, thoroughly involved in the story, whether I was laughing in “La Fille,” or crying in “Hamlet.”
Natalie, you are a unique person. You are funny, honest, daring, and driven. I have had serious confidence issues my whole life, and you have helped me grow as a musician, actor, and person. You mean so much to me and I have the deepest respect for you. I know being an opera singer wasn’t your first choice, but if it weren’t for you, I’m not sure I would’ve discovered my passion for opera, or helped my confidence grow.
You are beautiful inside and out. When I hear you sing, I think I am hearing an angel. I hope one day I can be like you-inspiring others and unafraid to make change.
I wish you all the best in your sabbatical too! You will be greatly missed by your fans in the opera sphere but I look forward to hearing about your new projects/endeavors!
I know I may just be another weird fan, but I really wanted to let you know my story, and how you’ve impacted me, since this will probably be the only chance I get to meet you, since I live so far. I hope my story has been interesting and that you know how much you mean to me.
Though I don’t know if I’ll end up being an opera singer in 20 years, I do know this-that I will never ever give up trying and that I will inspire others and be a difference in the world of music, just like you have.
I wish you all the best, Natalie. Though I don’t expect to hear back, as I know you are very busy, my email is and I’m a fan on your facebook page!

Thanks for everything you’ve done for me. Much much love and blessings,
Miya Higashiyama 

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